Configure the RC adapter

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

Note Before using the Release Control integration, you must configure an RC adapter for the ITSMA Service Management server.

To configure the RC adapter, follow these steps:

  1. Run the following command on the RC server:

    <HPE Release Control installation directory>\bin\SdiConfigurer.bat

  2. Enter the required information at each screen prompt, and then press Enter.

    Note If you press Enter without typing a selection, the default entry is automatically selected.

    Screen prompt Description
    Select service desk type Select ServiceCenter/Service Manager service desks.
    Enter adapter name

    Enter a name for the adapter. For example, sm.

    Note You will need this adapter name when setting up the RC integration in the SMIS interface in Service Management. See Add a Release Control integration.

    Select Service Manager/Center version Select 9.41 and above.
    Enter Service Manager user name

    Enter an existing Service Management user account that the RC server uses to access the Service Management server. For example, smrcintegration.

    Note: You are recommended to create a dedicated Service Management user account for the RC integration. This user account must have the SOAP API execute capability in Service Management.
    Enter password Enter the password of the Service Management user account that the RC server uses to access the Service Management server. For example: !qaz2wsx.
    Enter Service Manager timezone Enter the time zone specified in Service Management for the Service Management user account that the RC server uses to access the Service Management server. For example: US/Pacific.
    Enter Service Manager host name Enter the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Service Management server host.
    Is https required in order to access wsdl? Type n.
    Enter Service Manger port Enter the port number of the Service Management server host used for communication with the RC server. For example: 13080 (default).
    Insert the url suffix for the wsdl file

    Enter sc62server/PWS/ (default).

    Note SM/7/ is not supported in the current version.

    Enter the timeout value Enter the timeout value to generate java source files from wsdl in seconds (-1 for no timeout). For example, enter 45 (default).

    When the above procedure is complete, an <adapter_name> file (for example, is automatically generated in Release Control's bin\result folder.

  3. Log on to RC as a system administrator, and click Module > Administrator.
  4. Go to Configuration > Integrations > Service Desk Adapters.
  5. Click the arrow button and select Service Desk Adapter.

    Note For RC 9.20 or later, go to Configuration and click the Import configuration set button.

  6. In the Select file to upload dialog box, browse to <HPE Release Control installation directory>\bin\result\<adapter_name> and open the file.

    A new node with the name of the adapter is added under the Integrations > Service Desk Adapters node.

  7. Save a draft of your configuration.

    1. In the left pane, click the Save current editable configuration set button.
    2. In the Draft name box, enter the name of the draft and click Save.


    • A new configuration set is initially saved as a draft. A draft is a configuration set that has not yet been activated.
    • For RC 9.20 or later, step 6 and step 7 should be:

      In the Select file to upload dialog box, browse to <HPE Release Control installation directory>\bin\result\<adapter_name> and open the file. In the Draft name box, enter the name of the draft and click Import.

      A new node with the name of the adapter is added under the Integrations > Service Desk Adapters node.

  8. Activate the draft.

    1. Select the required draft.
    2. Click the Activate current configuration set button to activate the selected draft and apply the new configuration properties to RC.