Integration Manager

Integration Manager refers to a plug-in based platform called Service Management Integration Suite (SMIS), which can provide centralized management and configuration of all instances of integrations that are configurable in SMIS.

Accessing Integration Manager

To access the Service Management Integration Manager, use the Windows or Web client and open Tailoring > Integration Manager from the System Navigator.

Integration Manager (SMIS) provides the following buttons or context menu options, which enable integration delivery engineers and support engineers to manage integration instances:

  • Add: Add a new integration instance.
  • Edit: Edit an existing integration instance.
  • Delete: Delete an existing integration instance.
  • Enable: Enable an integration instance.
  • Disable: Disable an integration instance.
  • Refresh: Refresh the status of an integration instance.
  • Task: Monitor failover tasks of an integration instance during a specified period of time.
  • Log: View task execution history.

Integration types

SMIS supports two types of integrations:

  • Schedule-based: A schedule-based integration runs as a schedule in the background. When a schedule-based integration instance is enabled, a corresponding scheduler is started in Service Management.
  • UI-based: A UI-based integration can be invoked only in the UI.

Out-of-box integration templates

Out-of-box, SMIS comes with a set of predefined templates that you can use to set up integrations to the following third-party or HPE products:

Product Template name
Third-party survey tools SMSurvey
HPE Release Control (RC) SMtoRC
HPE Operations Orchestration (OO) SMOO
HPE Business Service Management (BSM)
  • SMBSM_DOWNTIME (for SM-BSM downtime synchronization)
  • SMOMi (for integration to Operations Manager i)
  • SMBIR (for integration to Business Impact Report)
Another product that supports Case Exchange CaseExchangeDefaultTemplate
SAP Solution Manager SMSAP
External email servers SmartEmail

HPE Universal CMDB

HPE Universal CMDB Browser


Note The out-of-box templates are not provided as sample interfaces. You need to access the Integration Manager, set up the integrations through the Integration Template Selection wizard, and configure your system to interface with the HPE products listed above.

Developing custom integrations using SMIS

SMIS is also a development platform that enables you to develop new integration templates of your own. You can then register these new integration templates in SMIS so that they are configurable in SMIS. For more information, see the ITSMA Service Management Integration Suite (SMIS) Developer Guide.