Search within the search results

Applies to User Roles:


Sometimes a knowledgebase search query results in more matches than you can quickly and easily review. In such cases, you may want to search within your search results to find documents that address your particular issue. You can use both the simple and advanced search options to search within your search results.

To search within search results, follow these steps:

  1. Click Knowledge Management > Search Knowledgebase.
  2. Type the key words or phrases you want to search for.
  3. Click Search. ITSMA Service Management returns a list of documents matching your search request.
  4. Select the Search within results check box to continue searching within the search results.
  5. Type another search string in the "Search for" box.

    Tip Make your second search as specific as possible to reduce the number of search results the query returns. For example, rather than searching for a generic term such as "server," use specific terms such as the server model number or name. You can also use the Advanced Search options to limit your search to particular knowledgebases.

  6. Click Search. Service Management returns a list of documents matching your search request.

    You can continue revising your search string to make the search more efficient; however, the search only searches the search results list.

Caution Clear the Search within results check box to start a new search.