Administer > Scheduled maintenance > Scheduled Maintenance features

Scheduled Maintenance features

Scheduled Maintenance enables you to create and store as many maintenance tasks as you need for your organization. You can:

  • Create and schedule recurring maintenance tasks, including Incident records, change requests and Request Fulfillment requests, using closed loop integration with ITSMA Service Management.
  • Keep all scheduled maintenance tasks in a central repository to ensure that important maintenance occurs on time. Stored maintenance tasks automatically generate Incident records, change requests, or Request Fulfillment requests as they become due.
  • Automatically use Service Management to notify users about maintenance tasks as they are due.
  • Create and update Scheduled Maintenance tasks even if you are unfamiliar with Service Management.
  • Make audit information available as necessary. The maintenance history and the auditing information for each task is available for review.
  • Create sophisticated and detailed maintenance tasks.
  • Maintain existing Service Management customization and tailoring.
  • Track scheduled maintenance tasks.