Administer > Scheduled maintenance > Scheduled Maintenance overhead

Scheduled Maintenance overhead

Scheduled Maintenance relies on the problem background scheduler to call into the Scheduled Maintenance code at regularly scheduled intervals. If the problem scheduler is not running, no Scheduled Maintenance tasks run. When a Scheduled Maintenance task runs, it increases the load on the problem scheduler by a marginal amount.

Scheduled Maintenance does not put a large load on your system unless you are using the Scheduled Maintenance system to generate extraordinarily large numbers of incident records, change requests, or Request Fulfillment requests. If Scheduled Maintenance creates twenty tasks a day, the impact is approximately identical to one user opening twenty tasks a day.

If a Scheduled Maintenance task creates 20,000 Incident records at 2:00 AM, the task would slow the ITSMA Service Management system down somewhat. Scheduled Maintenance creates all 20,000 records consecutively, as though one user were opening 20,000 incident records consecutively. The increased load may be noticeable, but it will not be crippling.