Define approval activities

Applies to User Roles:

Service Catalog Manager

The Service Catalog Manager can configure the approval sequence and approval conditions when defining Approval Activities. In this example, the Service Catalog Manager defines required approvals based on the request cost. If the cost value of an order is more than 1000 US dollars, the 1st Level Manager is required to approve as the second level approver; if the order costs over 5000 US dollars, the Technical IT Approver is also involved as the third level approver.

  1. Log on to Service Management as Service Catalog Manager.
  2. Click Administration > Approval Activities.
  3. Select Add New Approval Activity. The Add / Edit an Approval Activity window opens.
  4. To define approval activities for 1st Level Manager:
    1. Enter a Description. For example, First Level Manager.
    2. Select Role.
      The option User means you can only specify a particular operator while the option Role allows you to dynamically configure who can approve. For instance, you can set it up so that the manager defined in a user’s contact record can approve.
    3. Use the Fill button to select 1st Level Manager from the list.
    4. Select 2 for the Approval Sequence.
    5. Click Next. The Approval Condition window opens.
  5. To set up an approval condition for 1st Level Manager:
    1. Click Add Condition.
    2. Provide your approval condition. For example, enter the following values:
      • Field in Interaction – svc.cost
      • Comparison - Greater Than
      • Value - 1000
    3. Click Next. The Approval Condition is added.
    4. Click Next. The Add/Edit Approval window opens, with the new Approval Activity on the list.
  6. To define approval activities for Technical IT Approver:
    1. Select Add New Approval Activity.
    2. Enter a Description. For example, Technical IT Approval.
    3. Select Role.
    4. Use the Fill button to select Technical IT Approver from the list.
    5. Select 3 for the Approval Sequence.
    6. Click Next. The Approval Condition window opens.
  7. To set up an approval condition for Technical IT Approver:
    1. Click Add Condition.
    2. Provide your approval condition. For example, enter the following values:
      • Field in Interaction – svc.cost
      • Comparison - Greater Than
      • Value - 5000
    3. Click Next. The Approval Condition is added.
    4. Click Next. The Add/Edit Approval window opens, with the new Approval Activity on the list.
  8. Click Finish.

Note: When an employee self-service (ESS) requestor submits an order successfully from Service Catalog, a Service Desk interaction is created with each request. You can view all the required approvers in the Approvals section of the interaction.