Configure Hot Topic Analytics

User Role: Administrator

To configure Hot Topic Analytics, follow these steps:

  1. From the System Navigator, click System Administration > Ongoing Maintenance > Smart Analytics > Hot Topic Analytics.

  2. Select and open a Hot Topic Analytics configuration record from the configuration list. For example, Incident.

    Note In the out-of-box system, four Hot Topic Analytics configuration records are provided (for the Interaction, Problem, Incident, and Survey modules). If you want to add a new Hot Topic Analytics configuration for another module, select a file from the Add Configuration drop-down list, and then click Add. For more information, refer to Enable Hot Topic Analytics for other modules.

  3. From the Analytic Corpus tab, modify the following settings as needed:

    • Index Condition: Define a query to specify the records that you want to include in Hot Topic Analytics.

    • Title Field: Select a field to define the title when viewing an individual record in Hot Topic Analytics. The title field is also an important data source for hot topic hunting.
    • Contents Fields: Select the data source for Hot Topic Analytics. Be sure to use only text fields such as description and solution.
  4. From the Filter Fields tab, modify the following settings as needed:

    • Timestamp Field: Select a field to indicate the time stamp for filtering.
    • Properties Fields: Select fields that can be used for advanced filtering in Hot Topic Analytics. For example, you can define Category, Priority, or Source as a filter.
  5. From the Advanced tab, modify the following settings as needed:

    • Expiry Day: Hot Topic Analytics removes the data that was indexed earlier than the setting in this field from its analysis.
    • Max Return Results: Define the maximum number of records returned from Hot Topic Analytics.

    • Show All Results: When this option is selected, the system returns all the topics analyzed according the maximum number of records as defined in the Max Return Results field. When this option is not selected, the Max Return Results configuration still works and the system filters out the similar topics and displays some topics only.

      Tip You can select the Show All Results option, and then set stop phrases for Hot Topic Analytics to filter out the unwanted topics.

    • Group By: Specify the field that is used to group the records as the last level in the hot topic map.
    • Analytics Action: Specify the query condition for the analytics action.

      Note In the out-of-box system, the Analytics Action setting is only available in the Hot Topic Analytics configuration record for incidents with the following three action queries: Set Parent, Create Problem, and Create Change/Article. If you want to add more custom action queries in the Analytics Action section, see Add more "Analytics Action" in the Hot Topic Analytics for Incidents.

  6. Click Save to save your modification.
  7. Click the Start Index button to start indexing.

    Tip You can click the Refresh Status button to refresh the index status.