Configure Smart Search

User Role: Administrator

To configure Smart Search, follow these steps:

  1. Do one of the following to start the the KMReindex process:

    • (Recommended) Add the following command to the sm.cfg file, and then restart Service Management server.

      sm scheduler KMReindex

    • From the System Navigator, click System Status , click Start Scheduler, and then click KMReindex to start the KMReindex process.

    Note Make sure that you start only one KMReindex process in the same Service Manager cluster.

  2. From the System Navigator, click System Administration > Ongoing Maintenance > Smart Analytics > Smart Search.

    The Smart Search Configuration page opens.

  3. From the Add Knowledgebase section, specify the following settings as needed:

    • Knowledgebase name: Specifies the name of the library you want to add.
    • Knowledgebase type: Specifies the type of the library you want to add.
    • Add: Adds the library you specified as a new knowledgebase.

      Once you click the Add button, the new IDOL knowledgebase record is added and a new knowledgebase maintenance page is displayed. Configure the required knowledgebase information on the maintenance page. For detailed information about different types and configuration steps of knowledgebases, see Manage Smart Search Knowledgebases.

  4. From the Environment Configuration section, modify the following settings as needed:

    • Expiry days: Smart Search removes the data that was indexed longer than the setting in this field from search.
    • Assign the default knowledge view group to all operators: If this option is selected, the default knowledge view group is assigned to all operators.
    • Connector configuration: Click to configure and monitor the status of the connectors and servers.
  5. When you first install the IDOL search engine after having used the Solr search engine, you need to do the following:

    Check libraries in the Current Knowledgebase List. From the kmsearchsecurity script of each library, delete the code which you updated to enable Mandanten Security for libraries when using Solr, and then replace the deleted code with the following:

    function getSecurityInfo(user, record)
    return "";

    Note Starting from Service Management 9.41, Mandanten security control is introduced as a built-in feature in Smart Search. Users no longer need to implement it manually by updating the KM search security script. If you keep the KM Search security script which was updated for Mandanten security, the built-in Mandanten control in Smart Search does not work.

  6. Click Save to save your modification.
  7. From the Smart Search Configuration page, select the knowledagebase libraries that you want to index, and then click Full Reindex.

    For the libraries in the "sclib" type, you can configure additional settings such as scheduling the full re-index or changing the maximum worker threads before you start indexing. For more information, see Index Smart Search knowledgebases and Manage Smart Search Knowledgebases.

    When you click the Full Reindex button, the IDOL search engine performs a full re-index of the selected libraries. However, because indexing runs as a background process, the search engine does not begin indexing until the specified refresh interval is reached.

    Tip To perform a full re-index on large-scale knowledgebases, see Perform indexing of large-scale knowledgebases.

  8. Click the Refresh Status button to view the index status of the knowledgebases.

    Tip To modify settings for any current knowledgebase, click the respective link from the list. For detailed information about knowledgebase settings, see Manage Smart Search Knowledgebases..

  9. Log off and then log onto Service Management for the changes to work.
  10. Perform a Smart Search to verify your configuration.

    If you encounter session time out or long response time when performing the first Smart Search after indexing, set a higher value for the TermCachePersistentKB parameter in the [TermCache] section for all content server configuration files(content<N>.cfg) and then restart your content servers.

    Note The default value for this parameter is 512000. You can configure the parameter value according to system memory availability and desired querying speed. For example, if you selected All-in-one install template when deploying Smart Analytics, you can keep the default value unchanged. If you deployed your content servers on multiple machines, it is recommended you modify the value to 2097152.