Develop > Tailoring > Windows client > Views > Messages view

Messages view

Service Management notifies you when you have activity messages to review. For example, each time you add or change a record, open or close an incident, complete a Service Management task, or an error occurs, Service Management generates a message. These are the choices you have to view messages:

  • Configure the Preference dialog to display the Message view by default.
    Click Window > Preferences > Service Management > Appearance and choose this preference:
    Show message window when new messages arrive.
    The Message view opens automatically when messages occur.
  • Show the Messages view on demand.
    Click Window > Show View > Messages.
  • Show the Messages view as needed. When Service Management sends a new message, an information icon appears.
    Click the icon or the toolbar.
    The Message window displays the new message and any others that appear during your Service Management session.

The server can process different threads concurrently and each thread can generate a separate stream of messages. If you have a single client running, all messages generated by that client connection appear in the same Messages view. If you have more than one client connected, each client window has its own Messages view that might display only the messages affecting that connection.