Administer > Time Period management > Time period security areas and roles

Time period security areas and roles

The following security areas and roles are used to ensure proper security in the Time Period Management module.

Security areas

Out-of-the-box, the Time Period Management module has the following security areas. To view their default rights and default settings, navigate to System Administration > Security > Areas, and open these records by performing a search.

Area Description

For security related actions in time period definitions, rules and occurrences.

Timeperiod Configuration For security related actions in time period categories, approvals and workflows.

Note For the Timeperiod Configuration security area, do not select When assigned or When assigned to workgroup from the Update or Delete/Close drop-down list since the objects related to this security area have no assignee or assignment group fields.

Security rights and settings

The following table describes the security rights and settings used in the Time Period Management module.

Setting / Right Description
View Can view time period records
New Can create new time period records
Update Can update time period records
Delete / Close Can retire new time period records
Expert Can activate/deactivate occurrences
Admin Is admin
Modify Template Can create templates
Can apply template Can apply templates
Can approve Can approve time period records
Can delegate approvals Can delegate approvals for time period records
Can override approvals Can override approvals
Can copy record Can copy time period records
Can send notifications Can send notifications from time period records
Can set reminder Can set a reminder for time period records
Can change category / type Can change the category/type of a time period record
Can create global inbox Can create global time period inboxes
Initial Inbox Initial inbox for the time period module
Manage format Sc manage format
Can create personal Inbox Can create personal inboxes for time period records

Lock on Display

When displaying a record the user, ITSMA Service Management locks the record regardless of whether the user is modifying the record or not
New thread List -> Edit

When the user accesses a record from a record list, Service Management keeps the record list open and displays the record in a new tab window


New thread Search -> List

When the user searches in the Time Period area, Service Management keeps the search form open and displays the search results in a new tab window


New thread View -> Edit When the user accesses a record from a Time Period view, Service Management keeps the view form open and displays the record in a new tab window
New thread View -> Search

When the user runs a search from a Time Period view, Service Management keeps the view form open and displays the search form in a new tab window

Un-retire Can unretire (reopen) time period records

Security roles

Out-of-the-box, the following security roles are available for the Time Period Management module.

To access these rules, click System Administration > Security > Roles, and then open the roles by performing a search.

Role Description Default Rights/Setting in the Timeperiod Area Default Rights/Setting in the Timeperiod Configuration Area
Timeperiod Administrator Full rights.
  • View
  • New
  • Update (Always)
  • Delete/Close (Always)
  • Expert
  • Admin
  • Can apply Template
  • Can approve
  • Can delegate approvals
  • Can override approvals
  • Can copy record
  • Can send Notifications
  • Can set reminder
  • Can change category / type
  • Can create global Inbox
  • Can create personal Inbox
  • Unretire
  • Allowed Categories: all categories
  • View
  • New
  • Update (Always)
  • Delete/Close (Always)
  • Expert
  • Admin
Timeperiod Analyst Partial rights; can update only when assigned.
  • View
  • New
  • Update (When assigned to workgroup)
  • Update (When assigned to workgroup)
  • Can apply Template
  • Can copy record
  • Can send Notifications
  • Can set reminder
  • Can create global Inbox
  • Can create personal Inbox
  • Allowed Categories: all categories
No rights
Timeperiod Approver Partial rights; can approve and delegate approvals.
  • View
  • Update (Never)
  • Delete/Close (Never)
  • Can approve
  • Can delegate approvals
  • Can send Notifications
  • Can set reminder
  • Allowed Categories: all categories

No rights

Timeperiod Manager Expert rights; can always update.
  • View
  • New
  • Update (Always)
  • Delete/Close (Always)
  • Expert
  • Can apply Template

  • Can approve

  • Can delegate approvals
  • Can copy record
  • Can send Notifications
  • Can set reminder
  • Can change category / type
  • Unretire
  • Allowed Categories: all categories
  • View
  • New
  • Update (Always)
  • Delete/Close (Always)
  • Expert

User roles

Out-of-the-box, four users (operators) were created for testing purposes based on the security roles described above.

Operator Description
Timeperiod.Admin Can perform all Time Period Management tasks.
Timeperiod.Analyst Partial rights; can perform Time Period Analysis tasks.
Timeperiod.Approver Partial rights; can approve time periods.
Timeperiod.Manager Expert rights; can perform all Time Period Management tasks except for certain administration tasks.