Open a known error

A known error is an issue for which a root cause (the underlying cause of a problem, or one or more incidents) has been diagnosed and a solution or workaround has been determined. When the Problem Coordinator validates a workaround that has been successfully tested by the Problem Analyst, the Problem Coordinator determines whether the root cause is related to an outstanding known error. You can open a known error only for problems in the Problem and Investigation phase and if there is a primary configuration item specified in the problem record.

If there is an existing known error, the Problem Coordinator relates this problem to the outstanding known error.

If there is not an existing known error, the Problem Coordinator opens a new known error record, and then moves the phase of the problem record to the Problem Resolution phase.

Note: Known error records can be opened from a problem record and by the assigned Problem Coordinator only. To ensure that the known error record includes all relevant information, Problem Management automatically populates the new record with the relevant information from the problem record.

To open a known error record:

  1. Click Problem Management > Problem Control > Search Problems.
  2. Use search or advanced search to find one or more records.

    Note: Known error records can be only be opened by the assigned Problem Coordinator, so if you intend to open a known error you should include the assigned Problem Coordinator as part of your search criteria.

  3. Select a record.
  4. Click More or the More Actions icon and select Open Known Error.
  5. Complete any required fields on the form.
  6. Click Save & Exit. You are returned to the problem record form.

  7. Click Next Phase to move the problem record to the Problem Resolution phase. This phase includes the following known error processes to resolve the problem.
    • Known error logging and categorization process
    • Known error investigation process
    • Known error solution acceptance process
    • Known error resolution process
  8. Click Save & Exit.