Cancel a subscription

Applies to User Roles:



You can cancel a subscription to a service you no longer need from the Self-Service home page.

Note This procedure assumes that your system manages subscriptions from Change Management. If you do not see the options described in this procedure, then your system manages subscriptions from Service Catalog.

To cancel a subscription, follow these steps:

  1. Click Subscriptions > For My Use on the Self-Service home page. A list of your subscriptions opens.
  2. Select a name to view the subscription details for the service you want to cancel.
  3. Click Unsubscribe.
  4. Type a reason for unsubscribing to this subscription.
  5. Click OK. You return to the list of all your subscriptions. The status of the subscription is now set to Cancelation Requested.
  6. Click the name of the subscription you canceled to view a detail of the status, history, and the comments you added.
  7. Click Back to return to the list of your subscriptions.