Use > Knowledge Management > Knowledge Management administration > Knowledge Management migration > Document import considerations for attachments

Document import considerations for attachments

Before importing documents into HPE Service Manager, consider the following regarding attachments.

  • All attachments should be in an attachments folder under the XML source directory.
  • Shared Content attachments should have the file name prefixed with "shared_" followed by a unique string used as the legacyid for attachments followed by an underscore and the file name.
  • Attachment links (shared or owned) in the source XML should have the format href=/answers/attachments/1234567890 where 1234567890 is the legacyid of the attachment. Embedded attachments should use src= instead of href=.
  • Document owned attachments (that is, documents not shared) should have the file name prefixed with a unique string used as the legacyid for attachments followed by an underscore and the file name.