Use > Knowledge Management > Knowledge Management administration > Knowledge Management migration > General considerations for importing documents into Service Manager

General considerations for importing documents

The following are general considerations for importing documents into HPE Service Manager:

  • If the Service Manager license does not include SOAP API license, the sm.ini file needs to include the following parameter: allowwsdlretrieval:1.
  • Set refresh interval in the Knowledge_Library to -1 to turn off incremental updates during a large import.
  • HPE recommends using a <Legacyid> element. The value of this element should be unique across ALL documents. If <Legacyid> is specified, the import queries the kmdocument table for the legacyid. If an existing record in kmdocument contains a legacyid matching the value in the <Legacyid> element of the source xml, the kmdocument record is updated with the information in the source xml. If no existing record in kmdocument is found with a legacyid matching the value in the <Legacyid> element, the xml source is inserted as a new kmdocument.
  • Elements in the source xml files must have corresponding fields in the kmdocument table in Service Manager (the kmdocument record in the dbdict table), and they must be included in the Web services API.
  • Fields that are in a document xml file that are not in the dbdict are omitted on import, but the documents are imported.
  • Elements with data containing HTML markup or any special characters that are illegal in XML should be CDATA wrapped to prevent the XML parser from throwing an exception.