Use > Knowledge Management > Knowledge Management administration > Knowledge Management migration > XML source document considerations for importing

XML source document considerations for importing

The XML source documents processed by the KMImport utility must meet the following requirements:

  • Root element must be <rKmDocument>.
  • The source document may contain elements only at one level under the root element. Elements containing child elements cause the import to fail.
  • Source documents must contain a <Title> element.
  • Source documents must contain a valid <DocType> element. Valid means the DocType value must match an existing DocType (name field) in HPE Service Manager.
  • Source documents must contain a <Categories> element with a semicolon delimited string of published (approved) categories. Categories to publish to are specified using XPATH format. For example a document to be published to the "Incident Management" subcategory of the "Service Manager" category would appear as follows:
    <Categories> Service Manager/Incident Management</Categories>
    Additional categories are appended and preceded by a semicolon;.
    <Categories> Service Manager/Incident Management ;anothercategory;</Categories>
  • Elements with data containing HTML markup or any special characters that are illegal in XML should be CDATA wrapped to prevent the XML parser from throwing an exception.
  • XML source documents that contain meta data for an "external" DocType must also contain a <ExternalDocumentName> element that contains the file name of the external document used as the document body. This file must reside in the same directory as the XML file that references it.
  • When using the kmimport utility to reimport an external document, the external document name must remain the same as the original. Also, any attachments must keep the same name.
  • If you have tailored the kmdocument dbdict, be sure to not include your tailored Array fields, Structure fields, and Arrayed Structures fields in the source XML documents; otherwise the import will fail.