Approval status

The approval status of a quote or order is the current state of its required approvals. A record may be waiting for its items to be ordered or received, but no approvals are required for the status to change. A unique status is given to each line item within the quote or order, as well as the quote or order as a whole. Some phases require approvals, as a phase change most often involves the intervention of a decision-maker, indicating the request or order needs to be moved on to another department or area’s responsibility.

The approval status of a quote or order reflects the current condition of all subordinate approval requirements associated with the parent quote or order. Request Management includes the following default approval statuses.

Approval Status Description
Approved All of the approval requirements have been approved.
Denied The approval requirements have been denied.
Pending Active and waiting for an approval action.


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Approvals in Request Management
Approval components
Approval files and features
Approval actions