Single-record functions

Single-record functions include adding, updating, deleting, and printing individual records within a database.

Add a record

Applies to User roles: System Administrator

Example: Add a record for the new contact, Bob Hoskins, to the contacts file.

To add a contact:

  1. Open a form in Database Manager. For this example, open the contacts form.
  2. Select the contacts file from the record list, and then click Search.
  3. Enter the required values in the Business Information section of the Business tab, and other values as needed. For this example, enter:

    FieldRecord value
    Contact NameHOSKINS,BOB

  4. Click Add..

Database Manager adds the record, retains the input from the screen displayed and responds with the following message: “Contact Information record added.”

Clear an initial record

Applies to User roles: System Administrator

If you need to redo an incorrect record or need otherwise to clear all data from an initial record form, you can remove this data quickly and completely using the Clear command.

To clear all data from an initial screen:

  1. Open the form in Database Manager. For this example, open the contacts form.
  2. Select the record from the record list.
  3. Open the More Actions menu.
  4. Select Clear.

Delete a record

Applies to User roles: System Administrator

Example: Delete the contact record you added for Richard Butler.

To delete a record:

  1. Open a form in Database Manager. In this example, open the =contacts form.
  2. Search for the existing record by entering BUTLER, RICHARD in the Contact Name field and clicking Search.
  3. Click Delete.

    Confirm the action at the prompt.

  4. Click Yes to continue with the record deletion. If successful, the following message displays: Contact Information record deleted.

Duplicate an existing record

Applies to User roles: System Administrator

Example: Add a new record to the contacts table that is a near duplicate of an existing record. For this example, all information except the Primary Configuration item (CI) and Contact Name will be the same.

To duplicate an existing record:

  1. Open the form in Database Manager. For this example, open the contacts form.
  2. Select the contacts file from the record list.

    A blank contacts record opens.

  3. Click Search.
  4. Select CHAN, TERESA from the returned list.
  5. Select the Business tab.
  6. Type a new name in the Contact Name field.

    For this example, type BUTLER, RICHARD.

  7. Enter a new Primary Configuration Item for this record.
  8. Delete the Employee ID.

    Add your own at this point, or leave this field blank.

  9. Click Add.

Database Manager adds the record, retains the input from the screen displayed and responds with the following message: Contact Information record added.

Print a record

Applies to User roles: System Administrator

Example:  Printing an existing contacts record for Richard Butler.

To print a record:

  1. Open the contacts form in Database Manager.
  2. Select the contacts file from the record list, and then press Enter. A blank contacts file opens.
  3. Click Search.
  4. Select Richard Butler from the returned list.

Search for newly added records

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

To search for newly added records:

  1. Click Tailoring > Database Manager.
  2. Place the cursor in the Table field, and then click Search.
  3. Click the Last Updated column header to sort the table of records returned by date and time.

Update an existing record

Applies to User roles: System Administrator

Example: Update the existing contacts record for Teresa Chan, whose primary Configuration Item (CI) has an identification number of 167, and change the value to adv-nam-desk-267.

In this example, we use the contacts form to change the identification number of the Teresa Chan's primary CI, from adv-nam-desk-167 to adv-nam-desk-267.

Note: Audit Specification Records must be defined for Configuration Items prior to modifying.

To update an existing record:

  1. Click Tailoring > Database Manager.
  2. Type =contacts in the Form field, and then click Search.
  3. On the Contact Information form, place the cursor in the Contact Name field, and then click Search.
  4. Select CHAN, TERESA from the record list returned and select the Business tab.
  5. In the Primary Configuration Item field, type adv-nam-desk-267 to replace the current value.
  6. Click Save.

View a single record using an alternate form

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

To view a record using predefined alternate form:

  1. From a detail record click the More Actions menu.
  2. Select Alternate Forms.
  3. Select a form to use to display the record.

Note: This option will be available only when there are additional forms specified for the record on the formatcontrol and the condition(s) specified is met.


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Determining System Navigator menu options
Multiple-record functions