Use > Problem Management > Problem Management workflows and user tasks > Create a new problem from an incident

Create a new problem from an incident

Part of Workflow(s): Problem Management: Logging

Applies to User roles: Problem Coordinator

When you create a problem record from an incident, Service Manager automatically associates the incident record to the problem record. Every time someone associates another incident to this problem, Service Manager updates the incident count for the problem. The more related incidents a problem has, the greater the impact the problem has on an organization and the higher priority it should have.

Note By default, problem record identification numbers have a prefix of PM.

To create a new problem record based on an existing incident record, follow these steps:

  1. Click Incident Management > Search Incidents.
  2. Use search or advanced search to find one or more records. Specify search criteria to find the incidents that you want to make new problems for.
  3. Select an incident from the record list.
  4. In the Related Records tab, select Related Problems from the Link Type drop-down list, and the then click Link New Record.
  5. Fill out the remainder of the problem record as needed.
  6. Click Save.

Note You can add parts and labor costs tracking to an incident, problem, change, or request or to any associated task of a record. To do this, navigate to the Cost tab, specify the currency, and then specify the date, part number, and quantity for any parts used.  Alternatively, specify the date, technician name (used to derive the rate from the operator record), and hours worked for any labor. Service Manager will automatically calculate and roll up costs from any sub tasks into the Total cost field on the Costs tab.