Use > Functionalities > Assisted Modeling

Assisted Modeling

Note Assisted Modeling is supported only with the Enhanced Search Engine enabled (the value of the JMX setting is true).

Assisted modeling in the UCMDB Browser provides a more accessible interface for CI modeling than is available in UCMDB. Assisted modeling is designed for end-users who do not need the full modeling capabilities that the UCMDB provides for administrators. The UCMDB Browser provides a very intuitive and straightforward user interface for creating CIs and relationships between CIs.

Assisted modeling is performed according to modeling templates. Best practice modeling templates are provided out-of-the-box. The best practices templates can be used out-of-the-box ‘as is’, or the UCMDB administrator can edit them according to your organization's needs. New modeling templates can also be created by the UCMDB administrator. For instructions on creating templates, see Create Modeling Templates.

To change the order in which modeling layers are displayed, see Change the Modeling Layering Order.

Note To use assisted modeling, users must have data-update permissions assigned in the Roles Manager in UCMDB, and View access to at least one of the modeling templates.