Smart Analytics Accessibility

Accessibility support is fully implemented in Service Management Smart Analytics, including Smart Ticket, Hot Topic Analytics configuration and administration pages, and Smart Search configuration and administration pages.

Accessibility support for Smart Search and Context Aware Search are described as follows:

  • Press the Tab key to switch between the active components.
  • Use JAWS to read the aria label of each component.

  • Press Alt + Ctrl + S to open the Smart Search windows.

  • When the focus is in the Smart Search pop-up windows, you can use the following shortcuts for keyboard navigation:

    • Press Alt + Ctrl + 1 to move the focus to the Smart Search editor.
    • Press Alt + Ctrl + 2 to move the focus to the first library of library list.
    • Press Alt + Ctrl + 3 to move the focus to the first search result record.
  • When the Suggest Solution button is displayed on the detail view of Incident, Request, Change, Problem, and Interaction (based on Smart Search Precondition), you can use the following shortcuts for keyboard navigation:

    • Press Alt + Ctrl + U to move the focus to the Suggest Solution button, and then press Enter to open the Context Aware Search panel.