Change Management user role descriptions

The following table describes the responsibilities of the ITSMA Service Management Change Management user role descriptions.

Role Responsibilities
Change Analyst
  • May be involved in the change assessment and planning phase to deliver input to the Change Coordinator when assessing the change impact
  • Verifies that tasks are correctly assigned and rejects tasks if needed
  • Builds, tests, and implement changes based on the change plan
  • Executes the backup plan if required
Change Coordinator
  • Register changes
  • Review the changes received and validate the change after filtering
  • Complete registration of changes by applying the correct change model and providing the change details
  • Coordinate the assessment phase of the change, and create change planning based upon the assessment information
  • After approval, coordinate the change implementation according to the planning created earlier
  • Assign tasks to the Change Analysts and perform action based on the outcome of the change implementation
  • After implementation, evaluate the change handling and close the change
Change Manager
  • Review all changes after the assessment and planning phase and address the right Change Approvers
  • Organize Change Advisory Board meeting if necessary
  • Update the change after approval is given
  • Periodically review changes in a Post Implementation Review and determine and execute follow-up actions
  • Coordinate all activities in case the emergency change handling procedure is triggered
Change Approver
  • Approve or deny Change when requested. This can be either electronically by using the service management tool or by using a Change Advisory Board (CAB) or Emergency-Change Advisory Board (E-CAB) meeting.
Release Packaging &Build Manager
  • Change Analyst who transfers the new release from development to test environment or from test to production environment.This role cannot be fulfilled by the Change Analyst who has built the new release.
  • Selection of Change Approvers who need to provide approval in case of an Emergency Change.