Views available for approval delegation

ITSMA Service Management provides default views for delegators and delegates to manage approval delegations. Administrators can also view approval delegation records directly from the Database Manager by viewing the ApprovalDelegation table.

View Description Available Actions
My active approval delegations A list of the currently active approvals that you delegated to other operators. This view does not display future delegations because they are not currently active.
  • Start the Approval Delegation wizard
  • Export
  • Print
My past approval delegations A list of the inactive approvals that you delegated to other operators in the past.
  • Start the Copy Approval Delegation wizard
  • Export
  • Print
Active approvals assigned to me A list of the currently active approvals delegated to you. This view only displays approvals where you are the active delegate. Use the other views to display your past or pending delegations.
  • Export
  • Print
Past approvals assigned to me A list of the inactive approvals that other operators have delegated to you in the past.
  • Export
  • Print

Note If you create or update an approval delegation record you may need to use the Service Manager Refresh option in order for the views listed above to display the new delegation record.