Copy an approval delegation

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator and other users with approval delegation authority

You can use an existing approval delegation as a template to create a new approval delegation. The wizard copies the values from the existing delegation and allows you to change the delegate and the delegation dates. You cannot change the application module, delegated approval groups, or operator when copying an approval delegation. If you want to change these values, you must create a new approval delegation.

To copy an approval delegation, follow these steps:

  1. From the To Do view, select Approval Delegation from the Queue  list. ITSMA Service Management displays the Approval Delegation view.
  2. From the View list, select either My active approval delegations or My past approval delegations.
  3. Select the approval you want to copy from the list of approval delegations.
  4. Click Copy Approval Delegation. Service Management displays the Copy Approval Delegation wizard and automatically fills in the delegate name, the delegated module, approval groups, and operator.
  5. Select the new delegate if needed.
  6. Select the new delegation start and end dates.
  7. Select Enabled.
  8. Click Next to create a new approval delegation.