Update an active approval delegation

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator and other users with approval delegation authority

You can change the delegate, the start date, or the end date of any currently active approval delegation by using the Approval Delegation wizard. If you want to use a delegation as a template for a new delegation, use the Copy Approval Delegation wizard.

Note To change approvals delegated by a specified assignment group or operator name, you must disable the current delegation and create a new one with the new assignment groups and operator names. ITSMA Service Management requires a new delegation in order to determine which operators are qualified to be delegates.

To update an active approval delegation, follow these steps:

  1. Click Approval Delegation. The Approval Delegation wizard opens and displays any active approval delegations assigned by you.
  2. Select the approval you want to edit from the list of active delegations.
  3. Click Edit Current Delegation.
  4. Select the new start and end dates for the approval delegation.

    Note Service Management dates always default to midnight (00: 00: 00) of the selected day. If you want to set a different start time, manually type in the new start time using the twenty-four hour: minute: second format notation. For example 23: 59: 59 represents 11: 59 PM and 59 seconds.

  5. Click Next to save your changes and close the wizard.