Edit user profile

You can change your photo that is displayed on the User Basic Information Card and update other profile information as well.

To change your photo that is displayed on the User Basic Information Card, follow these steps:

  1. Click your current photo on the User Basic Information Card.
  2. Browse for another photo that is saved on your computer.

    Note The supported image types are *.png, *. jpg, *.bmp, and *.jpeg.

  3. Select your new photo and then click Open. Alternatively, double-click the new photo.

    Your photo that is displayed on the User Basic Information Card is updated automatically.

To update other profile information such as name, title, email address, and telephone number, you must log on to ITSMA Service Management as a system administrator and then update the users’ profile in the contacts table.

Note If your system uses LDAP authentication only, the contacts table is not synchronized automatically from LDAP. Therefore, some user information is not correctly displayed on the User Basic Information Card and you cannot change your photo.