Start a conversation

Conversations can only be started in the detailed view of the records supported by IT Collaboration, including Interaction, Incident, Incident Task, Request, Request Task, Problem, Known Error, Problem Task, Change, and Change Task. By default, the Start Conversation button floats on the upper-right corner of the detailed view of these records after you enable IT Collaboration. You can drag this button to any place on the form. However, this button will restore to its default position once the detail view is refreshed.

Note Skype users cannot start an IT Collaboration conversation. Instead, they can be invited to IT Collaboration conversations by using Microsoft Skype for Business.


To display the Start Conversation button on the detailed view of other types of records that is supported by Service Management Collaboration, refer to Add supported record types.

To start a conversation, follow these steps:

  1. Open a record in Service Management.
  2. Click Start Conversation to open the conversation window, and then click OK in the system confirmation dialog. A conversation starts with the record's ID and title displayed on the header of the conversation window.


    The Start Conversation button is displayed only when both the ID field and the description field are defined as text fields on a form.

    Note The Start Conversation button has a different icon if the record has an existing conversation.

    Tip You can also press Alt + Ctrl + C to open or close the conversation window.

  3. Refer to Invite participants to add one or more participants to the conversation. On the contrary, refer to Remove participants to remove participants from the conversation as necessary.
  4. Type your message in the text input area at bottom of the conversation window. IT Collaboration conversation supports plain text only.

    Tip Press Shift + Enter to start a new line.

  5. Press Enter to post the message. This message appears in the conversation window with your photo and the current time.

    Posting a message makes the current IT operator a participant automatically.

    Tip Click the message sender's photo to view his/her User Basic Information Card.

    Tip A Resend Message button appears beside your message when your message is not posted successfully. Click the Resend Message button to post your message again.

Only the activity of starting a conversation is stored in the journal update of a record if this record has an activity log. To view the conversation history, you can slide up the scroll bar in a conversation window. See View conversation history for more information.