Check updated conversations

To view the updated conversations, follow these steps:

  1. Click Notifications to open the notifications panel.

    Tip You can also press Alt + Ctrl + V to open or close the notifications panel. When there is no notification, this shortcut opens a conversation window.

  2. Click a notification to view its context in the corresponding conversation. Alternatively, press the Up/Down Arrow keys to highlight a notification in the panel, and then press Enter.

    • If the conversation window is not minimized and there are multiple conversation tabs open, the conversation that relates to your selected notification is pushed to the last tab, and the notification context is displayed in the Conversation area.
    • If the conversation window is minimized, Service Management Collaborations first launches the conversation window, and then pushes the conversation that relates to your selected notification to the last tab.
  3. Note When you open an updated conversation, the record that the conversation belongs to does not automatically open. To open the corresponding record, click the record ID on the conversation window header.