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What is Knowledge Engineering?

Knowledge Engineering describes the process to develop and enhance the Knowledge Base used by IR Expert. The application provides several knowledge tools to users, including a centralized knowledge database and solution candidates.

The centralized Knowledge Base unifies data in other knowledge bases, such as KnowledgePak, and probcause files, by replicating it into a central knowledge file, called core. You can add new knowledge directly to the central Knowledge Base, or add it to the individual knowledge bases. As you add records to individual databases, ITSMA Service Management automatically replicates their contents into the core knowledge file.

When you close incidents or service desk interaction records, you can mark the records as solution candidates. For information on marking an incident as a solution candidate, see the related topics. Relevant information from these solution candidates is extracted into a candidate file, called protocore. Knowledge engineers review the data submitted as candidates. They can discard the data, or modify it and promote an incident and solution into the core knowledge file.