Administer > Database administration > Data persistence > IR Expert > IR Expert file descriptions

IR Expert file descriptions

The following table summarizes information about the IR Expert files.

Description Purpose Naming Convention
stop words Required user file maintained by Service Management administrator. Contains words that have little or no value to the information retrieval process. For example, prepositions are stop words. You can add or delete stop words as necessary. Changes take effect when you restart ITSMA Service Management and regenerate the indexes. [ir_languagefiles_path]language.stp where ir_languagefiles_path and language correspond to start-up parameters.
stem dictionary Required system file for languages other than English and German. Contains word stems from which derivative words are formed, allowing IR Expert to match closely related words. Maintained exclusively by IR Expert. [ir_languagefiles_path]language.stm where ir_languagefiles_path and language correspond to start-up parameters.
suffix dictionary Required system file for languages other than English and German. Contains suffix templates used in stemming. Maintained exclusively by IR Expert. [ir_languagefiles_path]language.suf where ir_languagefiles_path and language correspond to start-up parameters.
normals dictionary Required if the language employs special keyboard characters. You can add or delete Normalization characters as necessary. Changes take effect when you restart Service Management and regenerate the indexes. The excerpt below shows a typical normalization file. The first two characters of each line become substitutions for the following character or comma-separated characters (in decimal notation).

ae 132,142
oe 148,153
ss 225
ue 129,154
[ir_languagefiles_path]language.nor where ir_languagefiles_path and language correspond to start-up parameters.