Set up event triggers

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

Event triggers are part of the Service Management auditing function. A trigger can be set up to invoke the auditing application,

Note: If an audit is needed for Configuration Management, do not use triggers. Instead, use Format Control to invoke the application.

To set up the trigger:

  1. Open the triggers form in Database Manager.
  2. Enter the name of the new trigger. For this example, type: example.trigger.audit.update.

    Note: Each trigger performs one action; therefore, when naming the trigger, you may want to incorporate the trigger type (when the trigger is to execute) into the name of the trigger. For example, trigger.audit.add could be the name of a trigger that executes whenever a record is added.

  3. Enter the name of the file you want Service Management to audit in the Table Name field. For this example, type: contacts.
  4. Select the type of trigger, according to the number legend displayed beside the field. For this example, select: 4
  5. Enter the application name in the Application field. For this example, type:trigger.invoke.auditor.
  6. Click Add. when ready to add the record to the file.

    Service Management displays the following message: “Trigger record added.”

The topics below comprise an example of how to use Database record auditing. Follow the steps in this order. If you skip a step, the example will not work.

  1. Open the audit specifications table
  2. Add an audit specifications record
  3. Define an audit specifications entry
  4. Invoke auditing
  5. Set up event triggers
  6. Add lookup functionality to Format Control
  7. Test audit lookup functionality