Test audit lookup functionality

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

Some files may not be configured for Audit Lookup. In that case, you must add Audit Lookup functionality before Audit Lookup will work.

ITSMA Service Management invokes Audit Processing using the definitions provided in the Format Control, when a record is added or updated in a file for which auditing has been set up.

Note: Before using Audit Lookup, be sure that the Audit Specifications include all fields that need auditing.

To test Audit Lookup functionality:

  1. Add a record to the contacts file using the values in the table below.

    Contact NameMILLER, JOHN
    Employee IDNEW00003
    Last NameMiller
    First NameJohn
    Dept NameDocumentation

    Note:  Service Management displays the following message: “Contact Information record added.” The audit process is invoked. Service Management does not open an audit record until a user changes the current field values.

    Service Management has recorded all fields specified in the Audit Specifications record. All Old values are NULL or contain no data because there is no previous version of the record; this is a new record.

    Note: Audit Log entries are created in response to any changes made to the current values in this record. These audit records are displayed in the audit.summ form, when accessed using the Format Control option created earlier.

    If you check Audit Lookup now, a message informing you that there are no audit records.

  2. To complete the example, modify the record created in the previous steps by entering new values in the fields of the form that were specified as Unique A-D fields in the audit specifications file. For this example, change the Employee ID to NEW00004.
  3. Click Save to commit the changes to the database.

    Service Management displays the following message: “Record updated in the contacts file. Audit Record successfully recorded and added.” when the record is saved and an Audit Log is created.

  4. Open the More Actions menu and select Audit Lookup.
    A record list opens.

    Note: The updates you see may vary, depending on how you have your triggers set up for the file.

  5. Select the desired record from the list.

    Note: Only those fields which were modified are recorded. Service Management displays both the Old and the New versions of each modified field in the audit log record. If none of the fields defined in the Audit Specifications Table have been modified, then Service Management does not generate an audit log entry for that database dictionary file.

  6. For further information regarding the modifications to the contacts file, click Show detail.

    The same record is re-displayed in an expanded form audit.g), which shows more detailed information for the arrayed fields, as well as scrollable fields.

  7. Click End to return to the summary form.
  8. From the summary form, click the Prev and Next buttons to review any additional audit records in the log for this contacts record.
  9. Click End to return to the Contacts record.

The topics below comprise an example of how to use Database record auditing. Follow the steps in this order. If you skip a step, the example will not work.

To use Audit Lookup:

  1. Open the audit specifications table.
  2. Add an audit specifications record.
  3. Define an audit specifications entry.
  4. Invoke auditing.
  5. Set up event triggers.
  6. Add lookup functionality to Format Control.
  7. Test audit lookup functionality