Administer > Database administration > Data persistence > Database record auditing > Define an audit specifications entry

Define an audit specifications entry

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

The system validates Filename and Field Name values every time you update an existing record or add a new record. The Audit utility safeguard system prevents records with misspelled and incorrect file names or field names from being processed. Such errors potentially could cause faulty communication within the database.

Note: The name of the file and one field name of this example have been entered incorrectly to illustrate error-correction process built into the Audit utility.

To enter data in the Audit Specifications file:

  1. Click Tailoring > Audit > Audit Specifications.

    A blank Audit Specifications Table form opens.

  2. To select the file to create the specifications for.

    Enter information in the Filename field and Unique A through Unique D fields, as necessary, to parallel the Unique key in the source file with the Audit Log.

    Note: see the related topics and read the topic "Audit specifications file description" for more information on input fields.

    For this example, enter contacts in the Filename field, and then click Search.

    Caution: Making changes to the contacts file to cause it to invoke auditing will cause two audit records to be generated when a file is updated. To prevent this, use a backup, and restore the original file when finished with the example, or create a different file to practice on.

  3. Define those fields you want Service Management to audit and any aliases. If a field name is invalid, a list will open up allowing you to copy a valid name and use it to replace the invalid name.

    For this example, enter:

    Field NameAlias
    contact.nameContact Name
    user.idEmployee ID
    first.nameFirst Name
    last.nameLast Name
    emailEmail Address
  4. Click Add. to retain this record and commit it to the database.

The topics below comprise an example of how to use Database record auditing. Follow the steps in this order. If you skip a step, the example will not work.

  1. Open the audit specifications table.
  2. Add an audit specifications record.
  3. Define an audit specifications entry
  4. Invoke auditing.
  5. Set up event triggers
  6. Add lookup functionality to Format Control.
  7. Test audit lookup functionality.