Use placeholders

You can use placeholders in the following fields when you configure an integration instance:

  • In field mapping: Callback, SM Default, and EP Default
  • In value mapping: Condition

You can use the following placeholder syntax:

  • ${(sm|ep|param|context|vars).fieldName} if fieldName does not contain a "."
  • ${(sm|ep|param|context|vars)["fieldName"]} if fieldName contains a "."

You can use the sm, ep, param, context, and vars objects in a placeholder, see Placeholder objects for details.

Placeholder allows you to use any Javascript syntax, or to call a function from the ScriptLibrary, for example, lib.scriptlib.function.

The following examples are some common use of placeholder:

  • ${(sm.AssignmentGroup)} represents the value of the AssignmentGroup field in Service Management.
  • ${(ep["AssignedGroup.Name"])} represents the AssignedGroup.Name field in the end point.
  • If you use ${context.inbound==true} && (!${context.newSMIncident}) in a condition, the condition is "The value of the context.inbound field is true and the value of the context.newSMIncident field is false."
  • ${vars.$L_file.assignment} refers to the field assignment of variable vars.$L_file.
  • Use ${lib.<scriptlib>.<func>()} to call a Java script.