Configure a condition

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

SMIS enables you to configure conditions for value mappings. You can set the Condition field of a value mapping entry to one of the following strings:

  • true: The value mapping defined in this entry is always effective.
  • false: The value mapping defined in this entry is always ineffective.
  • A string that uses place holder: The value mapping defined in this entry is effective only when the condition is met.

    For more information about how to use place holder, see Use placeholders.


  • If the value for a mapping condition is blank, the value is set as true by default.
  • JavaScript is not supported in the Condition field of the value mapping. In case JavaScript calculations are required, you have to add the JavaScript code into the Pre Script or Post Script section.

When you configure value mappings and set conditions, make sure logic conflicts do not occur. If several conditions of a value mapping are met but a logic conflict occurs, only the last value mapping is effective. As in the following example, the value mapping result for the Status field in Service Management is Pending rather than Open.

Value Mapping Group SM Values End Point Values Description Condition


Pending   ${context.inbound} && ${context.newSMIncident}
Status Pending Pending   ${context.inbound} && ${context.newSMIncident}

To add or edit a condition, follow these steps:

  1. Click Tailoring > Integration Manager. Integration Instance Manager opens.
  2. Select an integration instance. The Integration Instance Information wizard opens.
  3. Click Next to get to the Integration Instance Mapping page in the wizard.
  4. On the Value Mapping tab, select a cell in the Condition column.
  5. Provide or edit the value for the condition.
  6. Click Finish to save your changes.

To delete a condition, follow these steps:

  1. Click Tailoring > Integration Manager. Integration Instance Manager opens.
  2. Select an integration instance. The Integration Instance Information wizard opens.
  3. Click Next to get to the Integration Instance Mapping page in the wizard.
  4. On the Value Mapping tab, select a cell in the Condition column.
  5. Remove the condition value.
  6. Click Finish to save your changes.