Configure a callback

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

A callback is a piece of executable code that is passed as a parameter to other code. The Service Management Integration Suite (SMIS) provides the following four callback functions:

Callback Function Description

Looks up a record from a Service Management table matching the query condition. If a matching record is found, the lookup callback returns the value of the specified field; if not, it either returns an empty value or ignores the current mapping.

Note Multiple conditions should be separated with "||".

combine Concatenates an array of values with a specified delimiter.
setValue Sets values when the current action is among any combinations of Insert, Update, and Close. Otherwise, the setValue callback either returns an empty value or ignores the current mapping.
when Return the value if any condition is met. In both the condition and value fields, use "${sm.field}" to get the value of SM field or use "${ep.field}" to get the value of the end point field.

Note For more information about how to use placeholders (for example, ${sm.field} and ${ep.field}), see Use placeholders.

You configure callbacks for an integration instance from the Integration Instance Mapping page. You can edit or clear callbacks.

To edit a callback, follow these steps:

  1. Click Tailoring > Integration Manager. Integration Instance Manager opens.
  2. Select an integration instance. The Integration Instance Information wizard opens.
  3. Click Next to get to the Integration Instance Mapping page in the wizard.
  4. On the Field Mapping tab, select a cell in the SM Callback or EP Callback column.
  5. Click Edit Callback. The Callback Editor window opens.
  6. Select a value from the Callback Function list. The parameters that display in the window vary with the callback function you selected: lookup, combine, setValue, or when.
  7. Provide values for all the parameters. Click OK to save the callback.
  8. Click Finish.

    Note The changes you made to the integration instance are not saved until you click Finish.

To delete a callback, follow these steps:

  1. Click Tailoring > Integration Manager. Integration Instance Manager opens.
  2. Select an integration instance. The Integration Instance Information wizard opens.
  3. Click Next to get to the Integration Instance Mapping page in the wizard.
  4. On the Field Mapping tab, select a cell in the SM Callback or EP Callback column.
  5. Click Clear Callback.
  6. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
  7. Click Finish.