Link a knowledge document to another

Applies to User Roles:KCS I, KCS II, KCS III, KM Admin, System Administrator

The Knowledge Management module allows you to link related knowledge documents to each other. You can link a published document to another published document or a new document. You can do so when editing a published document.

To link a published knowledge document to another knowledge document, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Knowledge Management > Published Documents. The Search Knowledge Documents page is displayed.
  2. Do either of the following:

    • In the Document ID field, type the document ID, and then click Search. The document that you want to link to another document is displayed.
    • If you do not know the exact document ID, you can also fill in any of the other fields on the search form such as Title, Summary, Author and Associated Service, and then click Search. A list of published documents that meet your search criteria is displayed. Click the document that you want from the list.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Click the Related Records tab.
  5. In the Link Type field, select Related Knowledge.
  6. If you want to link the document to another published document, click Link Existing Knowledge. A form is displayed, allowing you to link the document to another document published internally or externally. Associate the documents in either way:

    • Directly enter the document ID, for example "KM0110", and then click OK.
    • If you do not know the exact document ID, click Search. In the search form that is displayed, enter your search criteria and then click Search. From the search results, select the document ID that you want. The selected document ID appears in the form. Click OK.

    On the Related Records tab of each document, a link to the other document is added.

  7. If you want to link the document to a new document, click Link New Knowledge. Select a document type to create a new document. Fill in the document form as needed. For details, see Create a knowledge document. Then, on the Related Records tab of each of the two documents, a link to the other document is added.

    Once the new document is published, a link to the other document is also displayed under the Related Documents section of both of the two documents when users browse knowledge documents.

    To unlink a document from another document, select the document from the Related Records tab, and then click Unlink Knowledge. SMA Service Management removes the links from the Related Records tabs of both documents respectively.