Automatic record creation

After a Service Management user sends an email to the email account configured in the Smart Email integration instance, Service Management processes the email and automatically creates an interaction or incident record based on the initial email.

The system administrator can configure the New Email Action setting in the Smart Email integration instance from SMIS to determine if an interaction or an incident is created automatically. For the system to successfully create the record, the sender of the email must have the "New" security right for the corresponding module.

Service Management creates the record in the system by completing the following:

  • Service Management automatically populates the fields of the new record according to the field mapping defined in the email integration instance. For example, the system populates the Title field and the Description field by using the content in the mail subject and the mail body respectively.
  • Service Management populates the Source field of the record as "5 - E-mail". If you enable Smart Analytics, the Source field is used as an advanced filter option in Hot Topic Analytics.
  • If Smart Analytics is enabled and the "Enable Smart Ticketing" option is selected in SMIS, the smart classification and OCR takes effect in the new record.
  • The inbound email is saved as a .eml file under the Attachments tab from the record. If the email contains attachments, the attachments are also saved in the .eml file. However, the system ignores the inbound email if the total size of the email (including attachments) exceeds that size limit configured in the Smart Email integration instance.
  • The system adds an activity log for each received email. The activity type is "Email Received" and the activity description is copied from the subject of the inbound email.

After the record is created, Service Management generates an email to notify the email sender that a new record is created based on the information in the initial email. Within the email reply, the "Add a Comment" and "Mark as Solved" action buttons are available for further interaction with the Service Management user.

If Smart Analytics is enabled, the administrator can configure the Smart Email setting to include links to knowledge documents and service offerings suggested by the virtual agent Sage, which is empowered by Smart Analytics, in the email reply. Depending on the configuration of Smart Analytics, the proposed knowledge documents can be KM articles, SharePoint pages, documents on a file system, or web pages.

In addition, if the corresponding assignment group is out of work schedule, the out-of-office message will be displayed in the email.

Note For the Smart Analytics features (including smart classification and recommendation of knowledge documents and service offerings) to take effect, the end user (that is, email sender) must have the “RESTful API” capability word. In the out-of-box system, the end users normally do not have this capability word assigned in their operator records.