Configure Smart Email settings

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

System administrators can configure Smart Email global settings such as outbound email archiving, one-time token, testing email, the number of acknowledge documents and service offerings proposed by Smart Analytics, and so on.

To configure the Smart Email settings, following these steps:

  1. Click System Administration > Ongoing Maintenance > Smart Email > Settings. The Smart Email Settings form is displayed.

  2. Specify the settings on the form, as described in the following table.

    Setting Description Default Value
    Activate HTML template audit

    Enable or disable the audit application to monitor field value changes in HTML templates.

    When this setting is set to true, the audit application monitors the following fields in the “htmltemplates” table: module, language, name, mail.title, content, active, expression, htmlcode, and cap.exec.

    Tip You can view the audit log from Tailoring > Audit > Audit Log.

    Activate outbound email archiving

    Specify whether you want to archive outbound emails.

    If you select this option, the system automatically stores all the outbound emails in the emailarchivingstore table.

    To view the archived email, you can also go to System Administration > Ongoing Maintenance > Smart Email > View Archived Emails.

    Use one-time token

    Specify whether you want to use one-time token in smart emails.

    If you select this option, only the first reply that uses this token is valid. The system ignores any subsequent emails that use the same token.

    Clean up temporary data store for emails received before this date

    The system removes the received emails earlier than the specified date from the temporary data store in Service Management. The selected date must be earlier than current day and in the YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format.

    Note If you use the POP3 protocol, make sure that the received emails older than the specified date have been manually deleted from the mailbox before you clean up the email store in Service Management. Otherwise, the system might handle these emails once again.

    Number of SmartEmail processors

    Specify the number of processors to process inbound emails. For example, you may want to specify more than one processor when your system is in a horizontal or vertical scaling implementation.

    Possible values: no less than 1

    Note Before you modify the number for this setting, make sure that you have terminated all the running "SmartEmail_Processor" schedulers from Miscellaneous > System Status.

    After you modify the value and click the Save button, you need to log in to Service Management with a debug node and start the Smart Email processors. For details, see Set up inbound email.

    Number of schedules per SmartEmail processor

    Specify the number of background schedules for one SmartEmail processor.

    Possible values: 1 - 10

    Note You need to terminate all the running "SmartEmail_Processor" schedulers before you modify the value here and restart the processors after you make the change.

    Recipient email address for testing Specify an email address with which the system replaces all the recipient email addresses, so that the system only send emails to this email address for testing purpose. None
    Reply with this number of knowledge documents proposed by Smart Analytics

    Specify the number of knowledge documents that you want to include in a smart email. This option only takes effect when you enable Smart Analytics in your system.

    The knowledge documents are automatically suggested by the virtual agent Sage. Besides the internal KM library, the virtual agent Sage can also propose documents from external libraries such as a SharePoint repository, a file system, or a web site if the corresponding connectors are set up in Smart Analytics.

    Possible values: 0 - 5

    Reply with this number of service offerings proposed by Smart Analytics

    Specify the number of service offerings that you want to include in a smart email. The service offerings are automatically suggested by the by virtual agent Sage.

    This option only takes effect when you enable Smart Analytics in your system.

    Possible values: 0 - 5

    Retention period for archived emails

    Specify how long the system archives the emails. This setting takes effort for both inbound and outbound emails.

    7 00:00:00
    Token expiration period Specify the expiration period of the smart email token. If the token is expired, the system ignores the email that uses this token. 1 00:00:00
  3. Click Save.