Administer > Status and notifications > Service Manager email solutions > Smart Email > Smart Email actions in HTML templates

Smart Email actions in HTML templates

If a record is initially created from a user email (that is, the Source field is "5 - E-mail"), Service Management uses the HTML templates that contain Smart Email actions.

The following Smart Email actions can be embedded in the HTML templates for different modules.

Action button Modules of the HTML templates that can embed the action buttons
  • Add a Comment
  • Mark as Solved
Interaction, Incident, Request, Problem
  • Approve
  • Deny
  • Accept
  • Reject
Interaction, Incident, Request, Problem

In the out-of-box system, the following Smart Email actions are not enabled for the Incident, Request, and Problem modules:

  • "Add a Comment" and "Mark as Solved" actions when an incident, request, or problem is updated.
  • "Accept" and "Reject" actions when the status of an incident, request, or problem is set as Resolved.

For the system to send out an email with these actions, you need to tailor your system and enable the feature manually. For instructions, see Enable Smart Email actions for incident, problem, and request.


  • If you use the HTML templates with action buttons, be sure to enable SmartEmail in SMIS. Otherwise, after users click an action button and reply the email, Service Management cannot process the email so that the action will not take effect.
  • When an end user clicks an action button from a mail client (such as Outlook, Gmail, and Office365), normally a new email window appears with the predefined information including email recipient, subject, and authentication token. However, some mail clients might fail to open the new email window or miss the token information in the mail body because these mail clients handle the mailto tag in their own ways. In this case, you need to use other mail clients such as Outlook.
  • If an end user uses Gmail, the images such as the company logo in the SM HTML templates may not be displayed in the Gmail mail client.


Out-of-box HTML templates with action buttons

The following table lists the HTML templates that contain action buttons in the out-of-box system.

Action button Embedded in HTML template Defined in ruleset Defined in notification
  • Add a Comment
  • Mark as Solved





  Activity Added
  • Approve
  • Deny


  Approval Added


  Approval Added
  • Accept
  • Reject




Tip To access HTML templates, from the system navigator, click Tailoring > Notifications > HTML Templates, and then search for the templates.

Note If Service Portal is set as the end user portal for Service Management, some fields such as status, priority, impact, and severity on the HTML templates are not displayed in the email because these fields do not have corresponding fields on the Service Portal interface.