Develop > Tailoring > Advanced functions > Scripting > Create a script

Create a script

Rapid Application Development (RAD) code controls the screen flow within Service Management applications. Scripting enables you to interrupt the normal screen flow to display a series of forms or execute decision-tree processing without modifying the original RAD code. Scripting does not affect the RAD screen flow. To learn more about scripting, see Scripting.

  1. Design and diagram the script flow showing the names of all script panels and forms. For information, see Diagramming the script flow, Script reports, and Define the scripts.
  2. If your script requires special forms, create them using the Forms Designer utility. Be sure to follow the naming conventions defined in your map. Create any support links and Format Control that are necessary for your forms. See the Tailoring Best Practices Guide for aids in creating forms.
  3. Create the script definition records. For information, see Define the scripts, Using fill boxes in script forms, and Script forms.
  4. Add your script to the Service Management application, Format Control record, or stored query record that will execute it. See Executing scripts.

Note: If you include expressions in your script, take care to use good naming conventions to ensure unique names for any local variables you define. This helps you to avoid potential naming conflicts and achieve desired tailoring results.