Create a phase record

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

Change, task, quote, and order phase records contain field names that are applicable to the function of the record. Like categories, there are some differences between a change, task, quote, and order.

Caution If you are using Service Catalog, you need to update svcCatStatusMap in Database Manager when you create or rename a phase record for cm3r or ocmq. This will ensure that any existing change requests or quotes created through Service Catalog will receive the necessary phase record assignments based on the phase record you just added.

To create a Change Management phase record, follow these steps:

  1. Click Tailoring > Process Designer > Workflows.
  2. To create a new phase record, select the workflow name that matches the category where you want to add a phase.

    Note Select table name cm3r for a Change Request phase or cm3t for a Change Task phase.

  3. Click the Add Phase button to add a phase to the category you selected.
  4. Using the visual workflow representation, click on the phase that precedes your new phase and when the cursor changes to a hand, drag it to the new phase to link the two phases together.

    Note If the new phase should also go to another phase, click on that phase and when the cursor changes to a hand, drag it to the corresponding phase.

  5. Modify fields on the other tabs as necessary, and then save the new record.
  6. Update svcCatStatusMap in Database Manager.

    As an example, create a new request order phase, Ordering2, and add the new phase after the Ordering phase on the Customer request category. To reflect the new phase on the quotes submitted through the Service Catalog, follow these steps:

    1. Go to Tailoring > Database Manager.
    2. In the Form field, type svc and then click Search.
    3. Select svcCatStatusMap in the list. The Service Catalog Status Mapping page opens.
    4. Click Search to open a list of Service Catalog Status Mapping phase records.
    5. Find and select the record with the Source Record Status of Ordering and the Source File Name of ocmq. Your new record needs to base on this existing record.
    6. In the Source Status field, type Ordering2 and then click Add.

      Caution Be sure to add the new phase record by clicking the Add button, rather than save updates to the existing record.

    7. Verify that the number in the Status Score field contains the right phase number. If you added an intermediate phase or changed the order of the original phases, you need to change the Status Score field number here to match the new order of the phases.
    8. Save the new phase record.