Use > Service Catalogs > Service Catalog capability words

Service Catalog capability words

Service Catalog controls access through Profile records and Operator records. This allows different people to see and order different items from the catalog. A catalog manager can also set capability words for catalog items, categories, or bundles on the Access tab of any definition record. When the system verifies that the user has at least one of the capability words from the list defined on the catalog item definition record, the user is able to see and order that item from the catalog. If there are no capability words set in the catalog item definition record, the item is available to all users.

Note that the Operator record overrides the Profile record. Enabling functional access with a capability word in the Profile record, but omitting it in the Operator record, means that access is disabled. Users must have an Operator record, but may (or may not) have a Profile record. The Execute Capabilities table in the Operator record specifies a user’s permissions. Following are some of the capability words that enable user access to Service Catalog:

Capability word Description
svcCatAdmin Allows access to Service Catalog administration and is the hierarchical parent for all other capability words.
svcDeptRequester Allows a department to request items from catalog.
svcEmployeeRequester Allows an employee to request items from catalog.
svcCatManagerRequester Allows a manager to request items from catalog.
svcCatTechRequester Allows a technician to request items from catalog.
svcCatRequestOnBehalf Allows an employee self-service (ESS) user to submit a service catalog request on behalf of another user.