Use > Service Catalogs > Service Catalog management > Importing connector details for an item through Web Services

Importing connector details for an item through Web Services

After importing Service Catalog items using web services, any connector information for that item can also be imported. At the time of import and when the connectorInfo and connectorSubInfo fields are populated in the svcCatalog record, a JavaScript function is called via svcCatalog extaccess expression that parses these two fields, generates an XML string and populates the field for the catalog item.

The following two fields in the svcCatalog record are required to import connector information for an item. The first one is a character field and the second one is an array of characters.

  • connectorInfo - provides a placeholder for basic connector information.
  • connectorSubInfo - provides a placeholder for information on repeating fields related to one or more basic connector fields.

The fields for connectorInfo need to be comma delimited character fields. If any field is blank, then you must use a comma (", ") as a placeholder for that field. The number of fields and the order of them can be different depending on the type of connector being imported. The following is a list of possible fields that can be imported via connectorInfo:

Interface type, category, subcategory, initial impact, severity, reason, assignment, assigned department, coordinator, type, release type, part number, parts, assets

The fields for connectorSubInfo are passed as an array of characters. Each element of the array needs to be comma delimited character fields. The first field in each element must match a corresponding field in connectorInfo field above. The following is a list of possible fields for connectorSubInfo:



The following is a list of all the out-of-box connectors and the fields they use that can be imported for a record. To see data examples for each out-of-box connector, see the related topics.

It is important to note that only the Open a Change of RFC category and Create New Request connectors contain sub-information and use the connectorSubInfo field.

  • "Open a Subscription Change,Subscription,initial.impact,severity"
  • "Open a Change,Application,initial.impact,severity"
  • "Open a Change,CI Group,initial.impact,severity"
  • "Open a Change,HW server,initial.impact,severity"
  • "Open a Change,Hardware,initial.impact,severity"
  • "Open a Change,Security,initial.impact,severity"
  • "Open a Change,Subscription,initial.impact,severity"
  • "Open a Change,RFC - Advanced,subcategory,initial.impact,severity,assign.dept"
  • "Open a Change,Release Management,coordinator,reason,initial.impact,severity,release.type"
  • "Open a Service Desk Interaction,impact,assignment"
  • "Open a Record Using Web Services,partNumber"
  • "Open a Standard Request in Asset Manager,partNumber"
  • "Open a Change,RFC,coordinator,reason,initial.impact,severity,assets"
  • "Open New Request,category,parts,parent_group,dependent_group,dependency_group"