Integration Instance Parameters – Outbound

The following table explains the fields under the Outbound tab in the Integration Instance Parameters page.

Fields Value Description
Asynchronous Processing Selected/not selected.

If you select this option, the outbound tasks work in asynchronous mode.

If you do not select this option, the creation or update of an object triggers the outbound task immediately.

Event User-defined. The name of the outbound action.
Action Type User-defined. The action type of this event in the endpoint. The available options for this field are Create only and Update only.
URL User-defined.

The relative URL.

The string in this field is directly appended after the base URL in the outbound request URL.

HTTP method User-defined. Specify the HTTP method.
Entity path User-defined.

Specify the root path of the list result in the JSON response from the endpoint.

For more information about entity path, see Entity path.



Additional parameters.

The string in this field is directly appended after the relative URL in the outbound request URL. For example, if you specify the parameter as ?entitytype=incident, the outbound request URL will be: <BaseURL><URL>?entitytype=incident

This field is needed if the endpoint only accepts parameters in the URL.

Additional path User-defined.

Additional paths or elements that are mandatory in outbound JSON but are not defined in field mapping or entity path.

For more information about how to configure this field, see Specify additional path.