Command line arguments for the .NET samples

The .NET sample application runs from the Windows command prompt. After you have compiled the .NET sample into an executable, you can perform configuration and incident management tasks with the following arguments.

Note To see the usage information for the .NET sample application, type dotNetSample -example ClassName where ClassName is the name of a sample application class.

The following commands invoke Configuration Management functionality.

Operation Command-line example
Create contact

dotnetsample -example CreateContact -name sneveau -lastName Neveau -firstName Sophie -workPhone "(858) 481-5000" -extension 3573 -fullname "Sophie Neveau"

Delete contact dotNetSample -example DeleteContact -name sneveau -lastName Neveau -firstName Sophie
Retrieve contact

dotNetSample -example RetrieveContact -name "FALCON, JENNIFER"

Update Contact dotNetSample -example UpdateContact -name "FALCON, JENNIFER" -workPhone "(858) 481-5000" -extension 3573

The following commands invoke Incident Management functionality.

Operation Command-line example
Close incident

dotNetSample -example CloseIncident -incidentId IM10001 -closeCode "User Closer" -resolution "Problem disappeared"

Create incident dotNetSample -example CreateIncident -title ".NET sample brief description" -category incident -problemType "not specified" -description ".NET sample incident" -severity 1 -subCategory data -productType "storage limit exceeded" -initialImpact 1 -primaryAssignmentGroup "Operating System Support (South America)" -service "Printing (Africa)"
Resolve incident

dotNetSample -example ResolveIncident -incidentId IM10006 -resolution "Problem disappeared"

Retrieve incident list dotNetSample -example RetrieveIncidentList -incidentId IM10001:IM10002
Retrieve incident dotNetSample -example RetrieveIncident -incidentId IM10001
Update incident dotNetSample -example UpdateIncident -incidentId IM10006 -journalUpdates "User provided more information"