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Views and favorites

Views and favorites enable you to define and save a query. For example, the following out–of–box views or favorites are queries that generate record lists:

  • Calls I opened
  • High priority problems
  • All my approvals
  • My tasks
  • Active contracts
  • All my open requests

When you display the contents of a view or favorite, the query that is associated with it automatically runs and produces the list of records that meet the query criteria. Favorites appear in the System Navigator under Favorites and Dashboards. Views appear as queues within most ITSMA Service Management applications. Whether you access the record list from Favorites and Dashboards, or a view from an application, the list of records in each is identical.

You can create favorites if you have the user.favorites capability word in your profile. You can share favorites with other users if you have the public.favorites capability word in your profile. Service Management stores favorites as unique records in the inbox table.