Administer > Time Period management > Time period configuration tasks > Configure time period approval notifications

Configure time period approval notifications

Notifications are generated when a Time Period is added or updated. The time period approval notifications are defined in the timeperiodDefinition Object record, and are triggered through the standard approval workflow in ITSMA Service Management. You can customize the notifications as needed.

To configure time period approval notifications, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Tailoring > Document Engine > Objects.
  2. In the File name field, type timeperiodDefinition.
  3. Click Search.

    The object record opens.

  4. Click the Approvals tab. Refer to the following table for the default notifications configuration.

    Notification Name Notification Record Description
    Approval notification Timeperiod Approval

    Executed when a time period approval happened.

    • An approval message is displayed in the client.
    • Emails are sent to the owner, owning group, delegates and next pending approval group.
    Denial notification Timeperiod Denial

    Executed when a time period denial happened.

    • An approval message is displayed in the client.
    • Emails are sent to the owner, and owning group.
    Retraction notification Timeperiod Retract

    Executed when a time period approval / denial was retracted

    • An approval message is displayed in the client.
    • Emails are sent to the owner, and owning group.
    Final approval notification Timeperiod Final Approval

    Executed when a time period was fully approved.

    • An approval message is displayed in the client.
    • Emails are sent to the owner, and owning group.
    Final denial notification Timeperiod Final Denial

    Executed when a time period was fully denied.

    • An approval message is displayed in the client.
    • Emails are sent to the owner, and owning group.
  5. Navigate to Tailoring > Notifications > Notifications, and click Search.
  6. Update the notifications listed above as necessary.