Develop > Prerequisites


The prerequisites for extending and customizing OMi are as follows:

  • You should be familiar with the relevant HPE Software products and components, including the associated documentation. As an example, the following list includes the essential steps required to extend the integration between OM:

    • Run-Time Service Model (RTSM). Detailed administrative and operational knowledge is assumed. For details about RTSM concepts, including CI types, CI attributes, and views, see the RTSM - Modeling section. For details on importing data from Excel Workbooks and other external sources, see the UCMDB Help.

    • Operations Manager (OM) for Windows and UNIX. In particular, take a look at the Service Tree in OM, and decide which services should be synchronized with the RTSM.

      Note: Services that are used only to build up the parents of a tree (for example, Applications, and Systems Infrastructure) probably do not need to be synchronized, because the RTSM uses graphs and does not require a tree structure.
    • Operations Manager i (OMi). For example, the following steps must be executed in OMi:

      1. Using the OM service tree as reference, mark the services that you want to synchronize with a Context in the contextmapping.xml file.

      2. Choose the CI type for each OM service. Enter the mapping from an OM service to a CI type in the typemapping.xml file.

      3. Make sure that all required CI Attributes (key attributes) are filled from OM service attributes in the attributemapping.xml file.

      4. Create all relationships in accordance with the RTSM model in the relationmapping.xml file.

      Note Some CI types (for example, Running Software) have keys that consist of simple CI attributes and relations. For these CI types, the attributemapping.xml must set all key attributes, and the relationmapping.xml must create the correct relations, to instantiate the CI correctly.

      You can refer to the standard topology synchronization packages, such as default, operations-agent, and nodegroups, as examples of how to work with synchronization packages. You can find these under:


  • Knowledge of Groovy scripting and syntax is required for creating Groovy scripts. Groovy is supported for scripting, and Groovy scripts are used in the topology synchronization process, for Event Processing Interface (EPI) and custom action scripts, for automating operator functions, and for integrating external event processes.

  • Knowledge of the XPath query language is required to navigate through the CI data structure in the mapping engines.