Administer > Event Processing

Event Processing

This section covers the following topics:

  • User Group Assignments

    This section describes how to automatically assign incoming events to available user groups. Automatic assignment of events to user groups responsible for solving these events significantly improves the efficiency of event management. Each event is assigned to an appropriate group as soon as it is received. All operators in a user group are permitted to work on events assigned to the group.

  • Notifications

    This section describes how to use the Notifications manager to set up rules to notify remotely-located people when events with predefined characteristics are received. Notifications can take the form of Emails, SMSs and Pager messages. Notifications must be sent to recipients set up in the Recipients manager.

  • Time-Based Event Automation

    This section describes time-based event automation rules. Time-based event automation rules enable administrators to configure actions to be executed on events matching a user-defined set of criteria after a specified time.

  • Automatic Run Book Execution

    This section describes how to configure rules to automatically run a Run Book or a series of Run Books in the context of an event.

  • Event Processing Customizations

    This section describes how to enrich events with additional information from external data sources using Groovy scripts.

  • Event Forwarding

    This section describes how to set up rules to select and forward events to external event managers such as another OMi instance, Operations Manager and or a Help desk application.

  • Downtime Behavior

    This section describes how to use Downtime Categories to handle events related to a CI that CI is in downtime.

  • Indicator Mappings

    This section introduces the features of the Indicator Mapping Rules manager, used to help you manage indicator mapping rules.

  • Event Storm Suppression

    This section describes how to configure OMi to look for event storms from managed systems and discard all subsequent events until the event storm condition for a particular system is over.

  • Event Suppression

    This section describes how to configure event suppression rules to identify and discard events before any processing takes place.

  • Stream-Based Event Correlation

    Stream-based event correlation (SBEC) uses rules and filters to identify commonly occurring events or combinations of events and helps simplify the handling of such events by automatically identifying events that can be withheld, removed or need a new event to be generated and displayed to the operators.

  • Topology-Based Event Correlation

    This section introduces the concept of topology-based event correlation. The information in this section explains how to configure correlation rules and apply them to the indicators that are assigned to the configuration item types you are monitoring with OMi. You can use topology-based event correlation to help you better understand, monitor, and manage the problems that can have an effect on the objects in your IT environment.