Use > Service Catalogs > Service Catalog management > Service Catalog Management process

Service Catalog Management process

The Service Catalog Management process aligns to ITIL 2011 Edition workflows and process integrations. In Service Manager, the out-of-box Service Catalog workflow conforms to the principles of ITIL 2011 Edition. You can adapt this default workflow to meet your specific process and business needs.

To access the default workflow definition, go to Service Catalog > Tailoring > Catalog Workflow, and then open the workflow Service Catalog Item. The following figure illustrates this workflow.

This workflow is composed of three phases by default:

  • Planning: In this phase, the service portfolio item is still under development and is inactive (the read-only Active flag is automatically set to false).
  • Published: In this phase, the service portfolio item is already taken from the pipeline and put into the service catalog and becomes active (the read-only Active flag is automatically set to true).
  • Retired: In this phase, the service is retired and therefore not available for use. A retired service is inactive (the read-only Active flag is automatically set to false).

To view the current phase of a category, bundle, or item, open the record from the Service Catalog and then select the Workflow tab.